Caring For Your Trailer Tires.

Increasing the longevity of trailer tires involves a combination of proper maintenance, careful operation, and adherence to guidelines. Here are steps to help you maximize the lifespan of your trailer tires:

Increasing the longevity of trailer tires involves a combination of proper maintenance, careful operation, and adherence to guidelines. Here are steps to help you maximize the lifespan of your trailer tires:

1. Regular Inspections:
   - Conduct visual inspections for signs of wear, bulges, or cuts.
   - Check for proper tire inflation. Under-inflated or over-inflated tires can lead to uneven wear and reduced lifespan.

2. Proper Inflation:
   - Maintain the recommended tire pressure specified. This information is found in the owner's manual and on the Tire plate on the left side of the trailer tongue.  

3. Load Capacity:
   - Avoid overloading the trailer beyond its designated capacity. Excessive weight can lead to premature tire wear and failure.

4. Balancing:
   - Ensure that the trailer tires are balanced. Imbalances can result in uneven wear and decreased tire life.

5. Rotation:
   - Periodically rotate the trailer tires to promote even wear. This is especially important if your trailer has dual axles.

6. Storage Conditions:
   - Store the trailer in a cool, dry place when not in use. Prolonged exposure to sunlight and harsh weather conditions can accelerate tire aging.

7. Speed Limits:
   - Adhere to recommended speed limits. Excessive speed generates heat, which can be detrimental to tire integrity.

8. Avoiding Curbs and Obstacles:
   - Be cautious when maneuvering the trailer to avoid hitting curbs, potholes, and other obstacles that can damage the tires.

9. Proper Driving Habits:
    - Avoid sudden stops, starts, and sharp turns. Gentle driving reduces stress on the tires.

10. Regular Maintenance:
    - Follow the recommended maintenance schedule for your trailer, including tire inspections and replacements as needed.

11. Tire Covers:
    - Consider using tire covers when the trailer is in storage. This helps protect the tires from UV rays and environmental elements.

12. Professional Inspection:
    - Have a professional inspect the trailer tires periodically, especially if you notice any unusual wear patterns or performance issues.

By following these steps, you can significantly extend the life of your trailer tires, ensuring safer and more cost-effective operation over the long term.